It’s true, we’re nuts about sesame seeds, and for good reason. These little guys pack a lot of punch, and not just in flavor. Sesame seeds are as good for your health as they are for your tastebuds. We mean it! Here are 4 reasons why.
Bone-building minerals.
- Copper helps make red blood cells and promotes healthy connective tissues; manganese is needed for digestion and nerve function; magnesium contributes to energy production; and calcium keeps our blood clotting and our hearts thumping.
Heart-healthy fiber.
- Just two tablespoons of sesame seeds provide about 4 grams of fiber (as much as one apple.)
Good-for-you fats.
- These fats help the body absorb nutrients and vitamins A, D, E, and K that are vital to vision, strong bones, and nerve development. They also help regulate hormones and body temperature and keep our skin, hair, and nails in tip-top shape.
Cholesterol-lowering phytosterols.
- Sesame seeds are loaded with phytosterols, those beneficial plant compounds that have been scientifically proven to lower cholesterol.
Interested in more reasons to love sesame seeds? Follow us on Instagram @eatseedible to learn more!